
 Adding a domain to cPanel

Adding a domain to cPanel can be a bit confusing for those who are new to the...

 Cannot add email account as it already exist

On rare occasions there may be a time when adding or removing accounts cannot quite finish the...

 Creating an email forwarder in cPanel

Creating an email forwarder in cPanel is a straightforward process that can be done...

 Creating email filters in cPanel

Spam filters are an essential tool for keeping your inbox free from unwanted...

 Hot to create a new FTP account in cPanel

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a common method for uploading and downloading files...

 How can I use the cPanel backup feature

cPanel is a popular web hosting control panel that provides website owners with a...

 How do I access cPanel

Accessing cPanel is the first step in managing your website and email accounts....

 How do I change PHP settings in cPanel

Changing PHP settings in cPanel allows you to configure various settings such as...

 How do I change the Disk Space Quota of an FTP account in cPanel

Changing the disk space quota for an FTP account in cPanel is straightforward. Here's how to do...

 How do I change the FTP password in cPanel

Changing the password for an FTP account in cPanel is easy. Here's how you can do it: Log in...

 How do I change the email inbox capacity in cPanel

In cPanel, you can change the size of an email inbox for a specific email account by...

 How do I convert images using cPanel

To convert images using cPanel, follow these steps: 1. Log in to cPanel: Access your cPanel...

 How do I create a MX record in cPanal

An MX record, or Mail Exchange record, is used to specify the mail server responsible...

 How do I create a new email account

Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how to create a new email account in cPanel: Log in...

 How do I create a subdomain in cPanel?

Creating a subdomain in cPanel is a straightforward process that can be completed in...

 How do I create an A record in cPanel

Adding an A record in cPanel is a straightforward process that allows you to point a...

 How do I delete an FTP account in cPanel

Deleting an FTP account in cPanel is a breeze. Here are the steps: Log in to your cPanel...

 How do I download a full account backup using Jet Backup 5

Downloading a full backup using JetBackup in cPanel is a straightforward process. Here are the...

 How do I log into cPanel

cPanel is a powerful web hosting control panel that allows you to easily manage your...

 How do I log into webmail using cPanel

To log in to webmail for cPanel, you will need to follow these steps: Open your web browser...

 How do I log into webmail without using cPanel

To log in to webmail without using cPanel, you will need to follow these steps: Open your...

 How do I set up Directory Privacy in cPanel?

cPanel is a popular web hosting control panel that makes it easy for website owners...

 How do I track the delivery of an email?

This feature allows you to monitor the status of email messages sent from your account and...

 How do I use GIT Version Control in cPanel

Using Git version control in cPanel is straightforward. Here are the steps to get you started:...

 How do I use JetBackup 5 in cPanel

JetBackup 5 is a powerful backup solution for cPanel servers. It provides website...

 How do I use Web Disk in cPanel?

cPanel is a popular web hosting control panel that provides website owners with a...

 How do I use the Backup Wizard in cPanel?

cPanel is a popular web hosting control panel that provides website owners with a...

 How do I use the Disk Usage feature within cPanel

cPanel is a popular web hosting control panel that provides website owners with a...

 How do I use the File and Directory Restoration in cPanel?

cPanel is a popular web hosting control panel that provides website owners with a...

 How do I view a database in cPanel

Viewing the contents of a database through cPanel is a useful tool for managing and...

 How much hosting storage do I need?

Determining the appropriate amount of hosting storage space required is a personal decision that...

 How to I add a new autoresponder

An autoresponder is a handy feature that allows you to configure automatic email response...

 How to activate my free SSL Certificate in cPanel

Installing a Let's Encrypt SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate through cPanel is a...

 How to add a CNAME record in cPanel

Adding a CNAME record in cPanel is like adding an A record and allows you to...

 How to add a TXT record in cPanel

A TXT record, or Text record, is used to store arbitrary text information associated with a...

 How to assign a user to a database in cPanel

Assigning a user to a database in cPanel is an essential step in setting up a dynamic...

 How to back up a database through cPanel

Backing up a database through cPanel is an essential step in maintaining the integrity and...

 How to back up your home directory in cPanel using Jet Backup

Backing up your home directory is a crucial step in protecting your important files and data....

 How to change the PHP version in cPanel

Changing the PHP version in cPanel is a straightforward process that can be done in...

 How to change the status of ModSecurity in cPanel

ModSecurity is a web application firewall (WAF) that can be used to protect your...

 How to check my used resources in cPanel

Monitoring your used resources in cPanel is a crucial step in ensuring that your website is...

 How to check the storage being used in cPanel

Keeping track of your website's storage usage is an important part of managing your...

 How to create a CRON job in cPanel

Creating a cron job in cPanel is a straightforward process that can automate...

 How to create a new database in cPanel

Creating a new database in cPanel is a straightforward process that allows you to store and...

 How to create a new database user in cPanel

Creating a new database user in cPanel is a crucial step in managing your website's...

 How to create a new email address in cPanel

Creating an email address using cPanel is a straightforward process that can be done...

 How to download a backup copy of my database in cPanel using Jet Backup

Downloading a database through JetBackup in cPanel is a useful tool for creating a backup of your...

 How to edit the DNS records in cPanel

Changing DNS records in cPanel is an effortless process that can be completed in just...

 How to install Joomla through cPanel

Installing Joomla through cPanel is a straightforward process that can be completed...

 How to install WordPress through cPanel

Installing WordPress through cPanel is a straightforward process that can be completed in just a...

 How to install a 1-click-install through cPanel

Installing a 1-click install through cPanel using Softaculous is a quick and effortless way to...

 How to password protect a directory in cPanel

Password protecting a directory in cPanel is a wonderful way to secure sensitive...

 How to restore a backup using Jet Backup in cPanel

Restoring a backup in Jet Backup 5 in cPanel is a straightforward process that can be...

 How to upload a database to cPanel

Uploading a database in cPanel is a useful tool for migrating a website or application to a new...

 What is Email Deliverability and how to use it in cPanel

Email deliverability refers to the ability of your emails to reach the recipients' inboxes rather...

 What is a Global Email Filter and how to use one in cPanel

A global email filter in cPanel is a rule that applies to all email addresses associated with...

 What is a Mailing List and how to use one with cPanel

Mailing lists in cPanel allow you to send emails to multiple recipients using a single email...

 What is email routing?

Email routing determines how your server handles incoming mail for a specific domain. Here...

 What is the Default Address and how is it used?

A default address (also known as a catch-all address) ensures that any mail sent to invalid...

 Where can I find and manager FTP Accounts in cPanel

cPanel is a popular web hosting control panel that provides website owners with a...

 Where can I find and use the File manager in cPanel?

cPanel is a widely used control panel for web hosting that makes it easy to manage...